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Melting snow prompts border change between Switzerland and Italy

"Global warming is dissolving the Alpine glaciers so rapidly that Italy and Switzerland have decided they must re-draw their national borders to take account of the new realities. "

Category: Climate Change


Social network sites 'monitored'

The Government has made proposals monitor the traffic on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Bebo, to record details of who everybody is talking to. "The Home Office claims the new database is necessary to allow police...

Category: Communications


Biochar: "It's the Atkins plan of the low-carbon world"

"The latest miracle mass fuel cure, biochar, does not stand up; yet many who should know better have been suckered into it." Proposals for using biomas char to remove CO2 from the atmosphere would require more space than the...

Category: Climate Change


Opposing wind farms should be socially taboo

"Opposition to wind farms should become as socially unacceptable as failing to wear a seatbelt, Ed Miliband, the climate change secretary, has said. Speaking at a screening in London of the climate change documentary The Age of...


At risk from the registers?

"Among a proliferation of government databases, the three causing greatest concern over legality, privacy and consent were set up to protect children."

Category: Communications

Displaying results 1346 to 1350 out of 2977